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2022 has been a huge year for Jam Inns ice factory in Bristol. A lot has changed & we are moving forward with our goals to become more energy efficient & reduce our carbon impact. At the start of this we want to give a really huge thank you to ‘The West Of England Combined Authority and European Regional Development Fund’ who have supported our factory through the production of a carbon impact report back in summer 2021 resulting in the past year us working together to find ways to improve our energy efficiency, carbon impact & reliance on the grid. This resulted in significant grant funding of our projects this year which included;

  • SOLAR POWER: A very large commercial solar installation on both sides of our factory roof. This has made an incredible difference to our grid reliance & during the summer months in the daytime on a clear day our factory can fully run on solar power. Making ice from the power of the sun… thats pretty incredible. Although we are the largest manufacture of ice in the South West & South Wales on scale we are a very small factory & it has given us a unique opportunity to fully power a micro factory daytime just using solar pv which we believe is the only ice production factory in the UK that can do this at the time of writing to fully cover the daytime running on a clear day.
  • INSULATED DOORS: One of the areas in a factory that can create heat build up over the summer months is large metal roller doors often on the warehouse units. This was not something we had considered but we spent time with Matt from WECA who produced our report to understand the areas of heat build up & lose in the factory. We installed a new full height insulated roller door to the factory over the summer which made a suprising difference to the ambient temperature inside the factory when the sun is beating down on the front of our building over the summer months. It also has the benefit of keeping the factory warmer during the winter months. So saves energy on cooling in summer & heating in winter.
  • LED WAREHOUSE LIGHTING: At the start of summer we changed all our warehouse ceiling lighting to LED Strip Lighting. Its often overlooked in factories just how much energy older strip lights can use as in factory environments you normally have a large number of strip lights this can add up. The new LED lighting only uses around 25% of the energy the old factory lighting used.

We have also made significant changes to our factory equipment, this has taken some time we had been in discussions back in 2019 to upgrade our factory & increase our capacity with new energy saving ice machines with triple the capacity of ice production. We were ready to push the button in March 2020 & about to transfer our deposits for all the new equipment to be custom built & then…. well… we all know what happened which put our plans on hold.

Finally after a few years of waiting this summer our new equipment was installed & up & running for July. As soon as the new machinery was turned on an ice order came in for the VIP area at the Royal Air Tattoo with former Prince, now ‘King’ Charles in attendance. Thats not a bad first customer to sample your new solar produced ice.

  • New Factory Ice Machines use around 40% less energy with new external ventilation equipment to reduce heat build up inside the factory.

At the end of last year we also upgraded to Euro 6 clean diesel for deliveries.

Finally one of the areas we are closely working on with our bag manufacturer is on our plastic usage. Our new bags from October 2022 are 20% less plastic. This is an area we are going to work closely with our manufacture over the next few years. It’s a worldwide challenge to find the best solutions to frozen food packaging as the packaging needs to be able to cope with extended periods of subzero temperatures without compromise or degradation. We are confident new solutions will be found in the industry over the coming years & we will be sure to embrace new technologies & materials to help with our environmental impact.

It’s been a great summer at Jam Inns Ice & we’ve really come a long way in the past few years with our environmental goals. We’ve supplied the biggest events in South West England & South Wales this summer at major events, festivals & of course all our amazing regular customers at bars & restaurants across Bristol, Bath, Cheltenham, Gloucester, Newport & Cardiff.

Exciting times are ahead for us & we will continue to push our business towards a Net Zero future.

James Maloney Director Jam Inns Ice

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During November 2019, James Maloney Jam Inns Ice Director pictured top left worked with the amazing team at Hamilton Ice Sculptures building the awesome Ice Kingdom in Hyde Parks winter wonderland. The Ice Kingdom uses 500,000kg of ice & ice pro’s were flown in from across Europe to build incredible art & ice sculptures from ice & snow.

If your in London or heading to London for Christmas the ice kingdom really is worth a visit. James was working in a mini team with 3 others Luke, Alex & Dan & this part of the ice kingdom was to build a Victorian street from ice with shops along with possibly the most fun ice ice slide ever created.

The Ice Kingdom is in Hyde Park till 5th January 2020 so if your about, pop in & see some amazing ice art. There is also a huge ice bar where you can enjoy a cocktail in a bar completely built out of ice.

Block Ice Supplier in Bristol Jam Inns Ice

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Block Ice Supplier in Bristol Jam Inns Ice
Jam Inns Ice sell block ice for bars, restaurants, cocktail bars & event companies in the South West & South Wales.

Jam Inn’s Ice in Bristol sell crystal clear block ice but how do you use it in your cocktail bar?

There has been a big trend in the past few years for cocktail bars around the world to be using crystal clear block ice in cocktails. Block ice is created in a totally different way to your standard ice cubes that bar commonly use. At Jam Inns Ice we start the process using a machine that slowly freezes huge blocks of ice 140kg per block over the course of 3 – 4 days. Making block ice is time consuming & highly labour intense but the end result is the most beautiful ice you’ve ever seen.

So it’s ice right, what’s the big deal? well it’s not just ascetically pleasing to see a beautiful clear lump of ice in your drink, it’s all part of the showmanship that sets bars apart in the world of cocktails with not only the wow factor but showing the detail matters & crucially having a slow melting large lump of ice adds less dilution to your cocktail or high value spirit, so there is a genuine reason why this ice is preferable.

Can I not just freeze a block in my own freezer & chop it down? Not really on any genuine volume & if you do it’s almost guaranteed to turn out cloudy. The cloudy effect in the ice is air getting trapped in the ice, the technique we professionally use to create block ice removes the air from the blocks which makes the ice last longer. By just having a large cloudy lump in a drink it defeats the genuine purpose of using the block ice in the first place. You will also find the labour time for you to try to make block ice will be superseded by simply buying in a high quality slab from our factory.

What is the best way to buy block ice? These options really come down to budget. Block ice is labour intense in the production so after the 3-4 days it takes to make the ice, then it has to be cut down using a chainsaws, bandsaws & hand held saws, for this reason it’s understandably more expensive than standards crushed or cubed ice we sell in 10kg bags. If budget is the biggest concern the best way to buy is by weight in slabs (middle right picture at top).

  1. Slabs By Weight: You let us know in KG how much you want & we cut slabs to the weight, this is by far the cheapest option. Then in your bars you can use chippers, knives & hand saws to cut down individually for each drink, also adding theatre to the customer. We sell the slabs & recommend these rather than big blocks because they are much easier for bartenders to work with a slab that’s roughly the thickness you want instead of chopping into a massive block as this creates a huge amount of wastage.
  2. 2″ Cubes: The large 2″ cubes are the most common end product shape & size cocktail bars like for high end spirits, whiskeys, rums & cocktails in general. Cocktails like a Negroni now really should be made with a large lump of block ice. Due to the added labour to cut these small blocks by hand these do cost more than buying by the slab. The consideration here is labour & wastage vs cost & if this is the best option for your bar.
  3. Custom Size Cuts: We can cut block ice to your size & spec, this will be the most expensive option but you get a custom product just for your bar. Let us know what you’re thinking & we can help price up your project for you.
  4. Branded Ice: Pictured at the bottom of the above picture you can see our company branding on ice cubes & ice balls. This is using an ice stamp. These can be ordered online through various overseas suppliers & you can then brand your ice cubes really easily & quickly by simply pressing the stamp on the ice.

How long will it take for delivery? Block ice is all custom made to order for clients. Due to it taking 3-4 days simply to produce the blocks this is an advanced order product. If for example you want 500 2″ cubes this will take considerable labour time to then also cut down to size so we recommend working around 1 week ahead for slabs by weight, 2 weeks ahead for 2″ cubes & custom cuts up to 100 pieces & then anything over 100 pieces of custom size cuts we recommend a 4 week lead time (if in doubt just drop us an email).

How to order? Drop us an email & tell us where your located, how much your looking for & as much detail as possible so we can price up your requirements. Due to our clients working 24hrs a day often during the late night in the hospitality industry the best & quickest form of communication is via email. This also insures for custom orders there is no mistakes on requirements & expectations.

Thank you for reading,

Love You

Team Jam Inns XXXX

Jam Inns Ice in Bristol is the South Wests largest ice supplier, catering for bars, airports, stadiums, festivals, weddings & events through the South West & South Wales. Our core business is selling 10kg bags of cubed or crushed ice, see website for more details.

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During January 2019 Jam Inns Ice scaled the mighty Uhuru Peak of Kilimanjaro, the highest freestanding mountain on earth. The peak of the summit stands at 19,341ft or 5895m & located in Tanzania, Africa.

Jam Inns Ice is an ice production & delivery company from Bristol UK, were learning more about the depleting ice Glacier on the summit. Initial research  showed the Glacier dated 11,700 years old has lost around 90% of it’s volume in just the past 150 years. On the surface most research points to man-made climate change accounting for the source of the loss of the Glacier, however its not quite as straight forward as a single source of blame for the fast depletion of ice.


Scientists now estimate the northern Glacier will be fully melted by 2030 – 2033. Many theories & studies have been carried out on the Glacier now over a number of decades & many of the records of mass depletion pre-date man-made climate change effects. Deforestation from the lower regions of the rainforests below have been one source of man-made climate effects & it seems quite a number of actions together along with the increasing global temperatures are effecting the mountain & it’s not simply a single source responsible for the disappearing ice.


Jam Inns Ice has a number of projects on around the world over the coming years, studying climate change, global warming & depletion of glaciers from mountain summits to the polar ice caps.


In Bristol, UK Jam Inns Ice is simply a little ice factory making, bagging & supply ice to hospitality venues, festivals, weddings & events in the South West of the UK & South Wales, but behind the scenes we are also researching & studying the natural sources of ice from our planet & learning more about climate change & man-made effects of ice on earth.





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Today we’ve returned from a 3 week journey from our little ice delivery company in Bristol all the way to the Himalayas in Nepal to explore Mount Everest Base Camp up close. Director James Maloney is starting a series of challenges in the mountains which started with this high altitude trek to one of the most beautiful & mystical mountains on earth.

It’s been a challenge with sub zero temperatures down to -15c to -16c at night with no heating but our iceman James on the ground is quite used to being in the cold. Training for the journey has been up in the Welsh mountains & extended coffee breaks at Jam Inns Ice Factory in Bristol in one of our walk in freezer rooms to test out all the expedition kit.

We’ve got some super exciting challenges coming up over the next few years with the next imminent one summiting Kilimanjaro in Africa in January 2019. We are going to every continent on earth to search the highest snow & ice capped peaks on the planet.

We will be doing research, promotional & charity work along the way for Jam Inns Ice & we’ve got some exciting things planned for the future.


James Maloney Director of Jam Inns Ice:

   ‘One of the things I realised quickly on this expedition was how important good quality equipment is. The cold can be life threatening in these temperatures & during the trek I realised some of the kit we are using on these exhibitions, like high quality extreme temperature sleeping bags could not only be a lifesaving piece of equipment for us on the mountains, but back in Bristol on our return things like this could be hugely beneficial as charity donations to the homeless in Bristol. On returning this morning from Nepal, prior to going home I went straight to the Salvation Army Homeless Shelter, Wade St, Bristol, BS2 9EL. I was sleeping comfortably in -15c with no heating. On all our upcoming expeditions on returning to Bristol we will be donating various items of equipment including the sleeping bags to Charities in Bristol. This wasn’t something we had considered prior to the expedition however as soon as I was into the journey & in the cold weather it was absolutely clear this was something we can do which can directly help someone in need locally. We’ve got expeditions planned for next year to Kilimanjaro Africa, Mt Blanc France, Elbrus Russia & Aconcagua South America. I am really looking forward to returning from all these expeditions & donating kit to local charities. Homelessness is a serious problem in Bristol & people can find themselves very quickly going from what is considered a normal life to being left without anything. There is a big mountaineering following in the Bristol area & a lot of people will be holding onto to very high level extreme temperature mountaineering kit in the back of wardrobes all over Bristol. If you would like to donate to the Salvation Army this Christmas you can pop down to, The Salvation Army, Wade Street, Bristol, BS2 9EL’.






Jam Inns Ice Delivery supplies ice for events, festivals, bars, restaurants & clubs in Bristol, Bath, Cheltenham, Gloucester, Newport, Cardiff & the South West from the central Bristol based Ice Factory in Fishponds all orders are made through the website at


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Over the past few years increasingly there has been more widespread knowledge available for the general public (which includes all of us here at Jam Inns Ice) to be more conscious about decisions we make when consuming, purchasing & using more products & services with Green credentials.

We’ve been working for a number of years to improve our companies credentials & steer in the best achievable direction for our industry to try to do our bit & minimise our negative impact on the planet.

Things we’ve done;

  • 2015 – We made major changes to the Jam Inns Ice Factory in Bristol & updated our machinery to the latest hydro carbon machines which replace older style CFC based refrigerants. These new machines use less water minimising water waste & use significantly less energy consumption to produce the ice.
  • Since the dawn of time.. well… since we started selling ice, all our ice bags have always & will remain 100% recyclable.
  • We cover 50 miles from Bristol a relatively small area covering the South West & South Wales. As such our carbon footprint is low for our industry from the production of our ice in the Jam Inns Ice factory in Bristol to the delivery for the client.

We are constantly diversifying our business & we strive to continue to make changes that will reduce our impact on the environment. A focus for us over the past few years has been, reduce water consumption, reduce waste, reduce energy consumption, reduce carbon footprint, always provide products in 100% recyclable bags.


Ordering is really simple, just go to our website & press ‘order online’ on any page. Remember we take advanced orders only & weekends book up really quickly.


Keeping it coool!

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Ice Delivery for Christmas Party Events


If your planning a Christmas Party event & need ice, now is the time to be thinking about organising it. Typically December is one of the busiest months of the year for ice for bars, restaurants & large catered Christmas party events. Bars & Restaurants typically have quite a consistent consumption of ice but it becomes quite a finger in the air game with large scale one off events & corporate party functions.



We recommend a guideline of 1kg per person for drinks or if you require the ice for cooling as well we have a guideline of 1.5kg per person. This can work quite accurately with smaller events of 100 – 200 guests but a lot of the event companies around Christmas are catering for 500 – 1000 guests for events so what happens then.

Firstly you ultimately have two choices, do you want to over order & have slightly to much ice, or under order & run out. If your aim is to order the exact amount your going to need for an event of 1,000 guests & get it to the cube right or bag… go & buy a lottery ticket now. The reality is for large scale events as with your fresh bar ingredients like limes, mint & other fresh fruits for your drinks you will most likely have some ice wastage for a large event & it’s something you might just have to accept. The cost of ice is almost certainly going to be the cheapest part of your event so it would be better to be slightly over than run out & not be able to serve the drinks.

All our ice crushed & cubed comes in 10kg bags.



If your having a large amount of ice 500kg – 1,000kg for an event, this will hold if kept together for hours with ease. As it’s a large volume we don’t recommend you place the order to arrive just before your guests turn up. Give yourself a little time & order it a few hours prior to the event. If you have refrigerated storage onsite get the ice in as early as possible so it’s there & ready to use.



Leaving the ice outside, this is common for Christmas events for catering companies to have an area outside the venue where they may section off & store large volumes of ice if they don’t have freezer storage onsite. Typically temperatures around Christmas time will be so low if the ice is all stacked together in a private area outside during an evening event it will be the best solution for a large volume if you don’t have a freezer room or freezer trailer onsite.

The ideal solution will be a fridge or freezer trailer however, often temperatures in December are often around the same temperature as a fridge anyway so you can decide if the additional cost is worth the hire fee.



Up to 500kg on a single drop please order online through our website You can get instant pricing for your event, date, time location & available time slots. If your happy you can place an order on the website with debit or credit card with no additional card fees. For larger orders from 510kg – 10,000kg please email us at & we can invoice for bank transfer payments for larger volumes.



Our factory is based in Bristol & we typically cater for Bristol, Bath, Chepstow, Cheltenham, Gloucester, Newport, Cardiff & anywhere within 50 miles of the Bristol area.



If you need ice in December for a large event then now is the time to order. If you’ve got a large event don’t wait till the last minute as you will almost certainly fine we will be booked out. Check out the website today, work out the volumes you think are realistic & pop an order in as soon as possible.


Our team is ready for another big Christmas party season, look forward to seeing all the amazing events our clients are creating for there guests this year as the party season closes in.

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Warnings have come in from the Met Office that Britain is about to be hit with a tantastic heatwave from the end of May to the end of July.

Temperatures are predicted to hit 33c commonly throughout this period in parts of the UK & ladbrokes have dropped odds down to 3-1 that this will be the hottest summer in history.

We’ve been a little unlucky for the past two summers in the UK with a washout for a lot of last summer, but now is the time to prepare. Remember in 2013 when almost all major superstores in the UK ran out of fans! YES this happened in the UK at most of the top major high street stores.

We were swamped with ice orders for private clients, restaurants, bars, festivals & events all across the South West of the UK & Wales with major cities like Bristol, Bath, Cheltenham, Gloucester, Cardiff & Newport sizzling Jam Inns Ice kept the cities businesses cool.

If your planning events, weddings, parties during June & July don’t leave it till its to late to order your ice. Get in quick before the stampede starts.

Ordering ice is very simple with Jam Inns Ice Delivery simply pop to our website & click ‘order online’ on any page of the site. Fill in the info & in under a minute it’s all coooool.  Enjoy the sunshine 😉

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Ordering Ice For A Wedding;

There are so many factors in how much ice you will need for a wedding its one of those things your going to have to except you genuinely won’t get exactly right to the kilogram. Even the most experienced mobile bar operators will work on a guesstimate for large events like weddings for 100 – 200 people.

Ice is a very cheap product to buy & the general gauge for parties & weddings is 1kg per person for drinks & 1.5kg if your looking for drinks & cooling. This can change quite a lot depending on a number of factors including the drinks the guests are having & if the guests are drinking any cocktails which are ‘ice heavy’.

Some things you get when your ordering for a wedding you really need to nail down the price per guest for example you want to know how many steak dinners your paying for that day. You want to know roughly how many bottles of champagne for the toast. But with the ice, this is something you just don’t want to run out of. The difference in a large wedding from under ordering to over ordering & having some wastage is possibly only a very small amount of money in the scheme of the wedding budget you could be talking pence per guest.

We suggest the guidelines of the 1kg for drinks & 1.5kg for drinks & cooling is a pretty good gauge. The way to look at it for ice is your talking pence per guest as opposed to pounds. Would you want your best friend having a warm iceless mojito, warm white white or a warm vodka & coke at your wedding? you’ve spent thousands on making the perfect day. Use our guideline as a very good guide to satisfy most weddings for a rough guide on ice consumption. If your in anyway worried if you’ll run out. An extra bag or two is peace of mind, it’s one thing less to worry about & unlike most other items you buy for a wedding it’s really not a big expense.

When To Order: 

Do NOT underestimate the need to pre-order ice for a wedding. Wedding season in the UK really booms from April – End September. Almost all weddings will want there ice late morning. Do NOT expect to order 200kg of ice on the day of your wedding or even that week if your right in the middle of summer. In the South West when the sun is out so is everyone else. Glastonbury Festival, Food Festivals, Bars, Restaurants etc ice in the summer is more precious than gold & every wedding in the South West all wants ice at the same time. Don’t be the wedding that forgot to order the ice!

Who We Cater For:

Everyone! we sell to Dorothy having a tea party in Bristol in her back garden (40kg minimum order) to Glastonbury Festival, The Rugby World Cup & everything in-between. BUT you must pre-order to guarantee stocks. Our factory warehouse is in Bristol & we produce ice to order.

How To Order:

The easiest part of it all…. click order online on any page & place your order online in under 60 seconds.

Brad Pitt Drinking Jam Inns Ice at Guy Ritchie's Wedding 2015

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Brad Pitt Drinking Jam Inns Ice at Guy Ritchie's Wedding 2015


Jam Inns Ice supply a lot of weddings with ice. Every weekend we’ve got a large number of wedding parties booked in for ice supply, sometimes from the private individuals for small weddings & often by the event organisers & bar operators at the larger ones.

Earlier this year over the summer we got an order in for a special wedding in Wiltshire for a wedding party. This wasn’t a normal wedding party, I actually did this delivery myself & turned up onsite at Ashcombe House, Guy Ritchie’s home. The estate is one of the most beautiful homes in the South West & there wasn’t many A listers not onsite.

Guy Ritchie was getting married to his beautiful bride to be Jacqui Ainsley. Jam Inns supplied the ice for the wedding & when arriving onsite it was clear this wasn’t your normal wedding. Temporary Helicopter pads in the garden.. I’ll point out the garden is 1,200 acres! A few of our colleagues that run VIP events at Glastonbury also were onsite providing accommodation needs of the guest in pop up tents in one of the fields near the house.

Brad Pitt, David Beckham, Jason Statham, Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, George Clooney were just some of the guests enjoying Jam Inns Ice at the wedding.

Our customer portfolio is very diverse we have celebrity clients, national & global chain operators, small independent businesses, small private parties to globally renowned festivals. At our core it’s simple… we supply ice! but a lot of people would be quite surprised at the diverse needs & requirements of ice in our day to day lives.


Written by;

James Maloney

Director of the Jam Inns Group

Jam Inns Ice Delivery At Glastonbury Festival 2015

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Jam Inns Ice Delivery At Glastonbury Festival 2015


There really isn’t many large festivals & events that Jam Inns Ice Delivery isn’t part of in the South West of England. One of the largest of those annual events is Glastonbury Festival.

Jam Inns Ice Delivery have been an ice supplier for a number of the VIP sites for crushed & cubed ice during the festival for a number of years now. We keep the VIP sites cool in the peak of summer.

Now we all know Glastonbury Festival isn’t always sunshine & a lot of people see us driving through the muddy fields in the rain wondering who needs ice now. It might be raining on some days but it’s often still 20c on a rainy summer day so if it’s 30c with sunshine or 20c with rain, no-one wants a warm Gin & Tonic or a tepid Mojito.

We’re part of the team that almost no-one sees at the Festivals. Our drivers are down onsite during the early hours of the morning each day while the festival goers sleep off the night before. Being part of the supply chain to an event on this scale is really something quite amazing to be part of.

Our team is down onsite at Glastonbury each year watching the staging going up & one of the most incredible sights is the transformation of the festival site on day 1 from fields of green to a mini city of tents.

The atmosphere is incredible & all the event teams onsite involve a lot of volunteer workers, working day & night to make the event a success each year. Living in the West Country & having a business that supplies one of the largest & most respected festivals in the world makes me incredibly proud to be a part of it.

If your lucky enough to have a ticket to Glastonbury Festival in 2016 & if your still awake at around 7am in the morning, find one of our vans, get a picture with one of our team onsite & we’ve got FREE ICE…YES…FREE ICE on the van for the best icedriver selfies with party goers for Glastonbury 2016!

Written by;

James Maloney Director of the Jam Inns Group

Jam Inns Ice Delivery Ice Baths for Rugby World Cup 2015

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Jam Inns Ice Delivery Ice Baths for Rugby World Cup 2015


As the temperature heats up in the 2015 Rugby World Cup Jam Inns Ice Delivery has been keeping it cool. During September & October we’ve been supplying hotels, basecamps, training grounds & stadiums in the South West of England, West of England & Wales for ice for the teams to use for ice baths & recovery.

Ice Baths are an essential part of the recovery process for many athletes in a variety of sports. We’ve supplied a number of athletics teams & football teams with ice used for ice baths however due to the high impact nature of Rugby, Ice Baths for Rugby players are an essential part of keeping the players in peak condition.

Ice Baths are nothing new, people have been using Ice Baths as a form of recovery & well being since the late 1800s. Below is a list of benefits that Ice Baths can give;

* Prevents injury
* Helps quicker recovery
* Repairs muscles
* Reduces muscle soreness
* Reduces muscle stiffness

We must point out before considering using ice Baths yourself in any training programme, proper medical advice should be sort for anyone taking the plunge. All the players in the Rugby World Cup have onsite medical staff on hand who know the exact requirements & needs of the players prior to & during the Ice Bath sessions.

Written By;
James Maloney Director of the Jam Inns Group